Priorities and The Big Board of Life

Have you ever had a goal that you desired so much, that anything outside of the goal was no longer important? Have you ever sacrificed sleep and/or proper nutrition to keep working on or toward your goals? Have you sacrificed relationships in hopes of accomplishing something grandiose? I recently came to the realization that sometimes my ambitions supersede my basic needs and other valuable aspects of my life, like family and health. It was at this point that I also had to make a decision about what my priorities were and in what order they fell. I had to ask myself, what do I want my life to look like holistically? 

For the past few weeks, I've been working out the kinks of a routine that works well for me mentally, emotionally and physically. Aside from that, I'm also determining a work schedule that allows me to be productive enough to meet my goals and balanced enough not to burn myself out every other week. This has looked like me burning out twice between December and February. However, it has also looked like me enjoying the days that I was able to incorporate a mixture of my routines and productivity. In layman's terms - I have yet to figure out what works for me 100%. I haven't perfected this thing called life just yet. As defeating as this may feel sometimes, I have news for you. To be in perfect balance is to end the full experience of life. 

We all want to have it all figured out and for life to run smoothly 24/7, but do you know why they say to be careful with what you wish for? Sometimes we wish for unworldly perfection in a way that exempts us from experiencing life to its fullest. While we continue progressing (and sometimes regressing) through life, we often forget that each moment, every mistake, and the spectrum of the emotions that we feel is the purpose. With each new day, we have an opportunity to do things 1% better, to learn 1 new thing, to meet 1 new person, and so on. We continue to have the power to choose what is most important to us with every new day we receive. Why do we take this for granted? I won't speak for you, but I know that I take this for granted sometimes. 

The days add up to weeks, the weeks add up to months, the months add up to years and our years culminate and create an overarching lesson for ourselves and others. I know that I'm one to sometimes feel as though my actions don't add up to as much as I'd like them to. However, I'm learning that every decision I make and every action I take is a tally under a character trait, a habit, a life goal, etc. on my big board of life. We all have one, and every day we put points up. So where are your points going? What do you continue to invest in? What area of your life has the most tallies? What area of your life could use more tallies? I've found this perspective to be really helpful for me on the days I feel like nothing is going right and on the days that I feel like Superwoman. I challenge you to take inventory of where you are right now and then to make a conscious decision to move towards where you want to be. I'm rooting for you. 


Driving Toward Goals and Leaving Dreams Behind


The Aftermath of Change