The Art of the Pivot

During my time in The Bowels of Burnout, I began questioning my position in life. I questioned whether I was supposed to be in my career field, how I can continue to maintain everything I'm doing and if any of it is worth the energy and time I'm putting into it. In December of last year, I decided that 2023 is the year that I'm giving my all and going after as many of my interests as possible to see what bears the most fruit. Not only is my goal a return on my time investment, I also want to find what truly speaks to me. In order to make it all happen, I shared my goals with those closest to me. In the midst of being at a low, I was able to find a new spark with the help of my support system. Not only was I able to reaffirm myself in what I'm doing now, I was also able to find ways to tweak my current routine so that I can ensure that I'm sticking to a plan that works for me, even when things feel a little off. 

Since January 1st, I've been looking for ways to perfect my routines. My morning routine, night routine, even my work routine. It seems like week after week I get close, but no cigar. The week of my most recent burnout (one of three this year alone), I decided that what I've been doing isn't working for me and that I have to prioritize sustainability. My focus had been success and results, but I quickly learned that I have other priorities that are just as important to me. I had to pivot - make changes. I realized that I did have options, even though I was feeling a little stuck. I just had to find them. 

Sometimes we may get stuck on a loop. We feel like things "have to be this way" because we've done it the same way for so long or because other people affirm that one way or one thing is better than the next. I want to remind myself, and you, that it's okay to make some changes along the way. Especially when it pertains to what's important to you. There is beauty in being able to make minor tweaks to your lifestyle. We are constantly evolving and changing, so it makes sense that our routines may change and evolve too. With each new day we learn more about ourselves, so we must be intentional and creative in the ways that we navigate the world and tailor our experiences to fit who we are. Embrace when it's time for a change or an adjustment and get creative with what it looks like for you.


Feeling Lost in the Sauce


The Bowels of Burnout