The Ebbs and Flows of Progress

We're days away from Christmas and I find myself very excited, (I've got some amazing gifts to give). However, I also notice a refreshing sense of gratitude and accomplishment, not so much for this year alone but for the incremental progression I've experienced over the course of my lifetime. Now, if you know me personally - don't judge my last statement. I'm still super young and have so much more life to live. I'm fully aware that I'm much closer to the beginning than I am to the end. Aside from that, I'm also aware that I've had my unfair share of difficulties, stressors and obstacles - enough to feel an immense sense of pride for the position I hold today. While it may or may not last forever, I'm certainly appreciating the present moment.

If I were to give this year a name, I'd say that 2022 was the year of The Blossom. I've witnessed my Self synthesize a majority of my experiences and produce tangible evidence of my intelligence, determination and patience. I've watched my Self become and exist as the woman I used to daydream about while I was on the bus, on my way to school as a child. 

Just last year, I found myself in a much different set of circumstances. A few years before that - circumstances were even worse. I've had my bad moments. Some really bad moments. At one point in time, I'd get really caught up overthinking situations when I thought I didn't have the necessary skills - whether it was communication or emotional intelligence. I'd beat myself up for not knowing better and second guess myself about decisions I did or did not make. I'd critique myself for not being smart enough or quick enough or pretty enough and the list goes on. 

It wasn't until the year of The Blossom that I decided to be kind, empathetic and extend grace to myself. I'm still a work in progress, but I've certainly made enough to notice a difference in my quality of life. I've finally learned that those "bad moments" are where I decided to grow, learn and do better moving forward. I wasn't always a perfect student - I've had to learn a few lessons more than once, but I have not allowed myself to stay where I started. Nor do I plan on it. 

I've finally seen my Self. I've put some pieces together and made sense of a few things. I've drawn boundaries and enforced them. I've looked for and found reasons to celebrate myself. I've doubled down on the ways in which I've chosen to live that empower me, even if it doesn't make sense to others. I say all this to say - success and progress isn't linear. I know it sounds cliche, but success truly does look like one failure after another. Success is in trying again and again and again in new ways, each time, until something works. Progress is in motion - consistently moving forward in increments. Whatever it is that you may want out of life won't come to you all at once. Instead, your desires come to you over time when and where you can handle them. 

You may not be in your blossoming season right now, but I'm here to tell you it's coming, so stay the course. Maybe you're beyond the blossoming season and are enjoying all the fruits of your labor, I salute you and look forward to meeting you there. Wherever you may be, just know that I see you and I empathize with you. I challenge us all to walk into the new year with a sense of purpose and intention. Whether it be now or in the future, our efforts will surely pay off.


The Winner’s Circle


In Session… Setting Boundaries with Family