Where to go this Holiday Season

The holidays are usually a very emotional time - at least for me anyways. I'm usually reflecting on the year I've had and taking inventory of what has happened. I also begin looking ahead at the new year and considering what I may want to continue doing or what I may want to leave behind as I continue moving forward.

This holiday season in particular is encouraging me to do a lot more reflection.

I'm at a time in my life where I am beginning to focus more intentionally on how I want my life to look 5 years from now, 10 years from now and so on. I'm making decisions on which of my habits and patterns are in my best interest and which ones are unproductive and/or keep me comfortable. To do this, I've had to become a brutally honest observer of Self. I call her out on all her B.S (or as much as I can catch) and I rely on my circle to hold me accountable. It doesn't always feel good, actually - it almost never feels good. At least not in the moment. However, getting to a place where my shortcomings don't paralyze me is an accomplishment that I can celebrate. Understanding that I have the ability to get better in areas that I'm not strong in gives me solace and empowers me to work toward something (if I so choose). Accepting that I'm not perfect and that I do in fact have shortcomings (which the Capricorn in me really struggles with) ironically takes some of the load off and makes me feel a bit lighter.

In a world where we are constantly working, scrolling, listening, following, liking, subscribing and everything else, I've noticed that I (and maybe others) forget to take inventory of ourselves in our most raw, uncut and vulnerable form. Who are we without the likes and the followers? Who are we without the jewelry and designer clothes? Who are we without the money and the cars? Along with the "who" we also need to address the "where". Where are we without the likes and follows? Where are we emotionally? Where are we mentally? How far have we come? How much further do we need to go?

As we navigate through this time of the year, I challenge you (and myself) to pause and take inventory. Gather yourself - every piece (even the ones you may not like), and just spend some time with them. Ask some questions and do your best to find answers. I'm here to tell you that it may not be the most comfortable thing to do, but I assure you that you'll be all the better for it.

Happy Holidays Everyone!


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In Ministry… Embracing the No’s